Monday, December 3, 2012

What Can You Give?

Looking for a good cause to donate to this Christmas season? Check out your local mall because chances are they have one of those wonderfully convenient gift-wrapping booths.

I had a few errands to run at the mall and a few gifts left to wrap so I brought them with me, dropped them off, and a half hour later when I was done my to-do list came back to some skillfully wrapped gifts! So happy, these ladies saved me time and grief trying to wrap odd shaped things and they put a smile on my face because they were so sweet and nice! And what's even better I know the proceeds of this service are going to a great cause, the Canadian Cancer Society, which right nowis quite dear to my heart.

Besides giving to charities or good causes I challenge you to be a cheerful giver over this next month, get past the flashy lights and overwhelming consumerism traps and remember the true meaning of Christmas by seizing the opportunities given to you. Don't hesitate to invite someone over for dinner, or buy someone in need a meal or warm drink, give out of your excess (clothes, toys, canned goods, and yes even your cold hard cash!), offer your love in the form of a hug, kind words, or even just a smile. Christmas is a hard time for some, and it shouldn't be so lets do our part to make it a time for ALL to celebrate!

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