Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Long Story Short

Maybe you've noticed, maybe you haven't but... I haven't blogged in what feels like forever!

I've been a bit sidetracked jumping from city to city and country to country! 

Long story short we moved last week from Chiang Mai to Bangkok, spent one night in Bangkok before hopping on a plane to Malaysia where we stayed for one week before returning to Bangkok.

In Malay we killed two birds with one stone, a family vacation and a necessary visa run (so we could come back and stay in Thailand).

And upon arrival to Bangkok we relocated to what will be our new home for the next five months! We are for the most part unpacked and ready to begin our new adventure teaching English in this HUGE city, becoming a family of four, and learning more and more about Thailand, trusting God, and about living life abroad as a family!

Stay tuned, lots of updates from our recent travels coming soon!

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