Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas With All The Fixin's

Let's rewind about two weeks before Christmas. My dad revealed his gift for us saying if we could find it then he would treat us to it. After hours of searching, and many emails written, I found the "Robin Hood!" Robin Hood is a little British Pub that was featuring a three course Christmas dinner with all the fixings!

Oh boy, Oh boy, OH BOY! After getting confirmation our seats were reserved I began drooling, I'm telling you nothing beats a good ol' traditional Turkey dinner on Christmas (unless your a vegetarian of course!). And what better way to begin a 9 hour trek up to Laos with a toddler suffering from turkey coma. Rylee slept through the whole night in a cramped and bumpy van! Tip to all families traveling with children: forget doping your kids on gravol just feed them turkey!

Ok back to the food...

We had two options for the first course: Spiced Pumpkin & Bacon Soup or Maine Lobster, Scallop & Leek Terrine. Sevio chose the soup, so I choose the mystery terrine thing. The soup...SO GOOD! They could have just served me soup the whole time and I would have been happy. The terrine thing was like a giant piece of sushi stuffed with seafood and wrapped with leek, it was good and had great presentation but I just wanted more of that soup!

For the main course we had three options: A Traditional Roast Turkey with all the trimmings, or, a Duo of Goose & Turkey plus the trimmings, or, Poached Salmon with Mussel Chowder and Salad. Obviously without question we both picked the first option! Everything was pretty good, the turkey was so moist and tender, veggies were cooked and buttered to perfection, and although a little on the lukewarm side the mashed potatoes (smothered in gravy) were my favourite. 

Dessert options consisted of: Bailey's & Vanilla Creme Brulee with a Pistachio Biscotti, or, Christmas pudding with Cognac Custard, or, Mixed Berries & Banana with Whipped Cream! Sevio chose the creme brulee while I opted for the berries and whipped cream. Although I've never been a fan of creme brulee, I had one teensie tiny bite, apart from the texture (that I don't like) it was pretty decent. My mixed berries were a little too sweet but meh the whipped cream made it all better...that is when I could get past Rylee who was stealing it by the finger full.

So there you have it, Christmas dinner in Thailand, who knew we would have such a treat!
Thanks Dad!!!! 

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  1. That dinner looks phenomenal! My mouth is watering now!

  2. It was pretty fantastic! Only thing missing was all our family...and stuffing :P
