Thursday, December 12, 2013

That Friday Blog Hop

This week I have the honor of cohosting "That Friday Blog Hop" put on by three wonderful ladies, Rebecca, Chrissy, and Tiffany! Feel free to add your blog link and take some time to discover some other really great bloggers. 
This blog hop is meant for anyone and everyone to join in and find other great blogs to read. 
You are welcome to link up anything from your blog, any & all social media {and everything in-between}

Please follow each host via ♥Bloglovin' by clicking on the buttons below


Also, take a moment to check out this week's co-host as well.

That Friday Blog Hop

Grab the button if you would like and tweet about the blog hop.
If you are interested in being a co-host for an upcoming week, please let one of us know.

Our co-host this week is Katie from Owls And Monsters.
Stop by her blog and say hello.

Owls and Monsters


  1. You have such a cute blog! Found you through the blog hop, following via bloglovin :)

    1. Thanks Jessica for the compliment and the follow! Welcome to the blog hop if it's your first time!

  2. Thanks so much for being our co-host this week. I hope you gain a lot of new friends :)

    1. Thanks for the opportunity! It's been great and yes, found some new friends in the process :)

  3. Katie...thanks for co-hosting today and looking forward to reading more!
