Sunday, December 1, 2013

Twenty Four Sleeps!

It's December 1st! The countdown is on, 24 more sleeps until Christmas!

This year we as a family are going to have a totally different experience when it comes to Christmas. Being overseas away from close friends and family during this time is hard and homesickness is definitely kicking in.

Sevio and I were talking the other day and both couldn't believe December was almost here, we feel like we're in a bit of a seasonal culture shock. We're still experiencing Summer while you've all gone through Fall and are beginning to see the signs of Winter! We miss the feeling of cold.

Apart from the desire to see the first snowfall, drink eggnog, see the cities twinkle with Christmas lights, and most of all spend time with family, there have been moments where Thailand surprises us! Like when we're walking through a mall and come across a ginormous Christmas tree and through all the hustle and bustle you can hear carols playing, there in that moment my heart swells three sizes! Or when we're going about our regular business grocery shopping and SURPRISE! Right in front of us are candy canes and chocolate advent calendars! 

This year we're not going to have a tree, stockings, or much form of presents. We won't have turkey and all the fixings. No ugly christmas sweater parties. And lets just forget the idea of waking up to a white Christmas! Christmas day will be like no other we've had together and most likely spent in a van on our way to Laos for another visa run. 

This Christmas will be stripped of all form of tradition, but that's ok! We can still make it special with the little things we find, like the candy canes and advents, and get excited when we see a Christmas tree or find the classic Rudolph movie on Youtube! It's ok because I think we have a unique opportunity to teach our daughter (and remind ourselves) to value Christmas more than a day about Santa and presents. That this magical day, 24 sleeps from now, is a day to remember and celebrate the first Christmas some 2000 years ago! 


  1. We'll celebrate the tradition of turkey with all the trimmings and family gatherings when you get back here in April. We will be there in spirit with all of you on December 25th and no doubt the family will be visiting you via Skype. Love you all......... Grandma

    1. We are so looking forward to that dinner! Love you Grandma!

  2. I didn't realize you were overseas! It is special that you are with your family and can make new memories. I hope you find ways to make it more like home for the holidays.

    1. Thanks Erica! Unique experiences like this will be great memories for sure, I'm so glad for this blog that even though my daughter won't remember this time I will have all the stories and pictures to show her!

  3. It's amazing what distance can do to us. Distance doesn't just apply to being away from our family & friends, but also to the little things that are easily taken for granted! I don't particularly like being away from anything that I love or enjoy but I think distance can serve a valuable lesson and it helps us value what we have more. Hope you and your family have an amazing Christmas this year!
