Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Bump Watch : Then and Now

I've been wanting to share a post pregnancy update, and am amazed how quickly time has escaped me. I meant to do this post one week following Zachery's birth but clearly that didn't happen and today already marks his two week birthday!

Since Zachery arrived on the scene we spent the first 3 days in the hospital. After which we came home  and had a couple days to settle in as a new family of four before Sevio went back to teaching English. So for about a week and half now I have been spending my days at home adjusting to life as a mom of two while daddy is out working full time. I miss him during this time but this is our life right now, we just try as much as we can to keep family a priority for the times he is home.

With being holed up in our tiny apartment with two tiny people there have surely been some moments where my patience has been tried, and moments of sheer exhaustion, but for the most part I'm surprised to say it hasn't been that hard. Zach is amazingly content, we rarely hear him cry just a few whimpers when he wakes and once he's got some milk in his tummy he good to go...back to sleep! Rylee has been equally amazing as a big sister, no jealous older sibling syndrome (thank goodness!), she loves to sit with him, hold him, kiss, and hug him. The only thing we have to watch out for her is she's yet to understand he's smaller and more fragile...and her hugs can be a bit smothering (but oh so loving).

As for me, I'm doing great. I didn't have any stitches or tears so things have been healing up quickly for me since giving birth. I have to remind myself to still take it easy even though I feel totally fine. As for my belly ponch, I feel like I've been watching it disappear before my eyes, which is every mother's dream. I weighed in yesterday and out of the 22lbs I gained I only have 9 lbs to be back to my pre-pregnancy self!

Here you can see for yourself how much life has changed from three weeks ago when I was full on preggo to now, no longer preggo but a momma of two amazing, beautiful children!

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1 comment:

  1. So precious!! I can't believe he's already two weeks old! Congratulations!!
