Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Hua Hin Getaway

Thought I'd share a few more pics from our mini vacation to Hua Hin, Thailand. One moment worth sharing for sure is on the bus there Rylee just out of the blue shot chunky strawberry yogurt flavoured pukey all over herself and me! What do you do when you and your toddler are trapped in van that's been packed like sardines and are covered in throw up? Honestly I have no suggestions... Just don't throw up yourself! Thankfully I had packed a towel and could sop up most of the mess before pulling over at the next gas station, but let me tell you that sour smell sure does linger!

On a brighter note, we arrived safe and sound at our little guest house located a few minutes from the beach. It was lovely and so spacious! Rylee even got her own bed! We spent three days in this little beach town and had quite the relaxing time checking out the sights. The first night was New Years, but before partaking in those festivities we went to a local night market and ate a lot of great food.

New Year's Day we slept in, casually made our way out to a temple located at the top of a hill at the end of the beach called, Khao Takiab. This little hill is also known as "Monkey Mountain", and they're not kidding, there were monkeys EVERYWHERE (so many I was bit freaked out)! Note to the wise: don't carry any food or garbage, monkeys will attempt to get it from you (I know from first hand experience!). After climbing an absurd amount of stairs to see the temple and get a great view of the coast and Gulf of Thailand, we walked down to the base to a little fishing village, which is also where a giant golden Buddha statue stands. From there we walked the beach/hip waded back to our neck of the woods.

Our last night we went into the main town area to check out another night market. Again lots of food was consumed, hah we don't shop we just eat! Our last day we made one last trip to the beach, unfortunately the tide was up making for a short and sweet outing before heading back to pack and begin our trek back to Bangkok (with no more puke incidents I might add).

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1 comment:

  1. Hua Hin looks beautiful! I'll have to put that on my list of places to see!
