
Monday, March 10, 2014

SEVEN, what a wonderful, sweet, fantastic number this is! Right now it represents two pretty great things for our family... 

ONE // Zach is seven weeks old! 
He is doing amazing and I am overwhelmed with how thankful we are to have him a part of our family. He is healthy, strong, and ADORABLE! When down for tummy time he looks like a little seal bobbing up and down, and can hold his head up for a good amount of time too. Last week he weighed in at 11 lbs (now wearing the same size diaper as Rylee, haha). He's starting to smile & coo a lot more, especially at Daddy (maybe cause he's funny looking, jk :P). Hard to believe in a couple days he will be 2 months old! 

TWO // In Seven weeks we will be back in Canada!
I am baffled that our 9 month internship overseas is coming to an end, I mean seriously, where did the time go? This is one of those bittersweet moments, but we are getting very excited to get home to our much missed family and friends. In 3 weeks Sevio will be officially done work with AMane English Center. At that time my my Dad and sister will arrive and we will have a few weeks to show them around this wonderful country and experience the beauty of Thailand outside of these big cities we've been living in. And then... after 24 hrs of travel time we will be steppin' foot in our homeland, breathin' in that fresh canadian air, and most importantly huggin' our moms at the arrival gate!

Check out this months fabulous sponsor...

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