Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Zachery // Six Months

Well my goodness our little man is already a half year old!


I can't believe how fast the time has gone! My scrunched up little newborn is no more, Zach is now 17lbs and a tank! Over the last couple weeks he's been on the move, he started with a combat crawl or just rolled to where he wanted to go. As of last week we can officially say he's a crawler, he's figured out all fours and is a go getter and already trying (and succeeding) at lifting himself up on things to the standing position! 

He's been trying out some new tastes with apples, pears, banana's, avocados, and whole grain rice, and oatmeal cereal. I plan on trying some sweet potato and zucchini with him this week and then some lovely summer fruits: peaches, nectarines, and plums! Yum!

These are a few of his favourite things:
  • The water! Bath time, pool time, the lake, warm or cold he loves it!
  • Anything and everything he can grab to put in his mouth. Tags, blankets, and socks are some of his favourite things to chew on.
  • His sister, just watching her jump around gives him the giggles.
  • His little wooden Plan Toys Roller, we just discovered this gem while cleaning out the toy chest and thank goodness cause he loves playing with it and of course eating it. The bright colors, little bell inside, and its ability to roll keep him entertained long enough for me to get something done which is SO nice!
  • Organic Baby Mum-Mums, you know those cardboard-like little surfboards...aka baby teething rice cracker. I'm finding it's a great distraction for him while he's in the car. Yes, he may not eat much of it (yet) and break it into a million gagillion pieces but anything is better than a crying baby while your driving.
  • Being naked.

These are a few things he's not a fan of:
  • His carseat, he's getting better but not a day goes by without him having a fit back there. 
  • Having a cold (his first cold, and totally teething related I think!)
  • Needles (I mean who is?), he's got more catch up vaccinations next week.
  • Being held inward facing, or in the nursing position (when not nursing). This kid is not a snuggler but rather an observer, he wants to see the world and all that's going on.

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