Friday, November 14, 2014

DIY // Cute Monster Cups

This has got to be the most easiest thing I created for Rylee's birthday party... actually it's the easiest thing I've ever created... EVER! These cute monster cups are a sneak peek of whats to come for our "Monster Bash"!

All you need is party cups, a glue gun, and googly eyes of various sizes. Minus the glue gun this project cost: $3.75 / 24 cups (You can find all these things at your local dollar store). *And honestly my glue gun was $1.50 at Michaels and the glue you can get at the dollar store too (so still super cheap)!

Step 1 : Heat up your glue gun
Step 2 : Attach your eyes, I used the smallest and medium size to give them a more kooky look.

And la dee da! Your done! Well after you do all your cups but that will only take you a few minutes. Pair with some awesome paper straws and your set! (And if your lucky like me you'll find those ridiculously overpriced straws at the dollar store too!)

More projects to come from this "Monster Bash" but your just going to have to wait until after the big event!

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