Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Rylee // Three Years

Yesterday we celebrated one special little lady's birthday yesterday. Rylee, our sweet, compassionate, rambunctious, independent, mischievous, fearless, goofball, of a little "Big" girl just turned three years old!

Although she holds up five fingers, she tells the truth when she says she's three years old!

We had a mini celebration with our friends from upstairs, which included homemade mac & cheese and carrot cake. Next weekend is her "Monster Bash" of a party which will be lots of fun.

She continues to amaze me how smart she is and by how much she can actually do on her own... did I mention she was independent? She insists all the time to us that she can do it, "I'm a big girl"! It's a hard phase for us as parents to let go and let her do it regardless of the outcome... it's a messy, clumsy, patience building kind of season trying to figure it out. But she's one happy little kid, she's still our smiley Rylee and her smiles and giggles are contagious. She's an amazing big sister who gives the best hugs and cuddles and shares (most days) her toys and food with Zach, she loves him and its adorable.

Here's a quick recap of her life hitting her milestones from womb to now!
In the womb... she was comfy cozy extending her stay an extra 11 days.

Two days old and perfect!

Got her party dress on for her first birthday!

Her second birthday we celebrated with friend in Thailand

Blowing out her three candles!

More birthday fun to come! Watch out for her answers to her 20 birthday question... should be more entertaining this year now that she can really speak her mind!

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