We had a fabulous relaxing time! Sevio might have a different story as he had to socialize with teenagers for the majority of the time and be up till obscene hours of the night and up with rooster, me and Rylee however had a grand ol' time!
We spent most days sleeping in and the mornings strolling around the grounds playing with other little ones. Some afternoons we went into town to run errands and window shop and other afternoons we hung around with Daddy watching the youth play games, all the while Rylee was bombarded on a regular bases by young girls who just fell in love with her. Later in the afternoons when we couldn't bare the heat anymore we went down to the Cowichan River, which Rylee absolutely loved. She played and chewed on the rocks along the shoreline, splish-splashed around with Daddy, and lounged in a tube with Mommy. Most evenings we had some mommy daughter time in our cabin before bedtime, Rylee got to play with her new peg puzzle throwing farm animals all over the place while I put them all back in their rightful places. After she finally conked out I got to enjoy some much needed quiet time reading a book or making bracelets.
I didn't get to partake much in the camp services, making it a much different experience than I'm used to but I still had a great time because it was a time to for me to catch my breath and enjoy the moments.
First Time In A Swing...It Didn't Last Long.
Cheering For Daddy Playing Baseball.
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