Cherry Love

Monday, July 9, 2012

You know summer is upon us when the first crops of cherries hits the stores. Cherries, sweet and yummy and oh so delicious! These little fruits pack a lot of important nutrients. Just 1 cup of raw, pitted cherries offers up 20 mg of calcium! They're super healthy and nutritious for everyone especially little ones like Rylee.

There are some foods that Rylee just looks at, and that's it, she's had enough (ex. peas), but today she looked at the cherry, whole-grain cereal, yogurt concoction I made up and was practically bouncing in her seat. So apart from being a super food they are also visually stimulating! However the true test whether a food is a hit, super food or not, is when it comes in contact with her picky little taste buds.

I made probably a third more than I usually do and within 3 minutes Rylee had eaten every last bite and sucked the spoon clean. So I'll take that as a sign that she likes them, I'll even push the envelope and say she loves them. It makes me happy that I can add one more thing to the like list rather than the dislike.

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