Two days ago we packed up Rylee for a day trip to Victoria. We had a Groupon to use as it was going to expire May 2nd for Adrenaline Zipline. So we arranged for "Jamma" (that's what Rylee will call her grandma, Sevio's Mom) to come with us because obviously you can't take a 5 month old baby on a zipline 150 ft in the air.
This was great because Rylee doesn't get to see Jamma very often because she lives in Victoria and I think the last time they got a good visit was around Christmas time, and she has changed so much since then! So we picked up Jamma and headed out to the lovely Sooke area where Adrenaline is located. Upon arrival we took some pictures, prepped Rylee and Jamma for their 2 hr date, and then got ourselves suited up with helmets and harnesses for our treetop adventure.
Over the course of 2 hours we caught an all-terrain vehicle that took us on a muddy and very bumpy ride to the top of the course. Once your on the first zipline there is no turning back because each line is connected from treetop to treetop, lucky for us we don't have much fear of heights. There are a total of 8 zipline's that vary in length from 100ft to 150 ft with a total of over 3200 ft being zipped, and you could be traveling at a maximum speed of 60km....FUN! I found the scariest thing to step up on to the ledge, because although your attached to the tree you can't see it, and the guides haven't attached you to the zipline yet so its mind over matter trying to remember your really truly attached even though your eyes don't see it. But once you step off the platform your as free as a bird in the sky...sort of, without the freedom to go wherever you want but we won't be technical here. The guides teach you different tricks to try out like, planking, upside-down, cannon ball, and how to keep yourself from spinning. It's also an educational adventure as they teach you about different wildlife and vegetation that live in the area, and a little about the history of the land that we're flying over.
All in all it was a pretty rad way to spend an afternoon, and when we got back to the base Jamma was reading her book with a peaceful sleeping Rylee by her side. I'm so glad they could have that time alone together to bond because it really doesn't happen as much as it really should. And thankfully our next visit with Jamma won't be months away because we've got Sevio's sisters wedding coming up!!
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