Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Christmas Tag

I thought it'd be fun to join in on the recent Christmas Tag post circulating around the blogging world.  And since I read this post originally over at Life, Set Sail I am officially tagged! So here goes, a little insight to what I love about Christmas...

What is your favourite Christmas film? 

Ohh I'm gonna choose two! My favorite Christmas classic is by far Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer, Bumble the abominable snow can you not love him! And then my favorite modern Christmas flick has got to be Elf! Just thinking about it makes me laugh! And hello without it we wouldn't have Zooey Deschanel's "She & Him" Christmas album...

What is your favourite festive colour?

I love that deep red color! It contrasts amazingly with the green of a Christmas tree, and to make it extra classy  add a little gold or silver! However, you won't really ever see me wearing this's strictly for decorating purposes!

Do you open your gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?

It's always been a tradition in my family to open one gift on Christmas eve, I think it was instituted to hold us off from the rest of the prezzies till Christmas morning. With Sevio (and now Rylee) we wait till Christmas morning.

What is your favourite winter fragrance?

I have no comment for this question, I honestly know nothing about the fragrance world seeing how I've never owned a perfume in my life! 

 What is your favourite Christmas scent?

The smell of homemade apple cider! That sweet apple mixed with cinnamon, and nutmeg... divine!

What is your favourite holiday drink?

Hah, after my last answer you would think apple cider...NOPE! Eggnog! Love it...I wait all year for it to come to stores, and don't even get me started on eggnog lattes... I'm sooo missing them this year!

Candy Canes or Gingerbread Men?

I've never been a fan of that overwhelming peppermint flavour in candy canes so definitely gingerbread men, and especially so if they are fresh out of the oven!

What is your favourite Christmas song?

O Holy Night, always has been. So beautiful but so impossible to sing, at least for my vocal chords!

Have you ever made a snowman?

Um yes! We may not get a lot of snow on the West Coast of Canada, but with the little that we do you can bet your booty I'll be out there making one! 

What is the most important thing to you about Christmas?

Apart from remembering the true meaning of Christmas, family comes in close second. Being married we have a lot of family to spend Christmas with, it can be exhausting jumping from house to house, but we do love it! And Now that we have a growing family of our own it's going to be even more special creating our own traditions and sharing in old ones when we can with the grandparents/aunts and uncles/and cousins. 

I tag everyone that reads this post to join in the fun. And let me know if you do, I would love to read all of your answers!

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  1. Oh man, check you guys out! All those gifts under the Christmas tree! Woot.

    I like eggnogs too. It's a hard toss between a candy cane and gingerbread but I have to choose the latter. There's just so much more decorations you can do with it.

    I haven't really made a snowman :( but I hope someday I do. I should've done it when I went to Canada or when I lived in New York

    1. haha well those xmas gifts are not ours, that picture is from a party we went to, all the prezzies there were for a gift exchange. Our little tree actually has no presents under it :P

      and you haven't made a snowman! my oh my come for a visit to canada we'll set that straight!


  2. Do you mean the Island of Misfit Toys Rudolf? Because I LOVE THAT ONE!

    I'm also totally not surprised you've never owned a just doesn't seem like a very "Katie" thing to do haha. But I bet you've owned body mists before ;)

    xx -b.

    1. yes thats the one brit, but the original claymation one from 1964.

      and yes I've owned body mists...but when I was like 16 haha tide and bounce fabric sheets are my perfume :P always loved that clean laundry smell!
