Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas Party

Last weekend we went to a Christmas party hosted by YWAM Thailand (Youth With A Mission).

It was awesome! All the beautiful decorations, turkey/thai buffet style dinner, crazy christmas hats, and a wonderfully large christmas tree loaded with fun filled gift exchange presents!

It was an entertaining evening mostly filled, much to Rylee's delight, with dancing and singing! We sang carols, and watched three dance performances: one being a neat beat filled Samoan dance; another being a funky hip hop dance; and last a lovely mix of modern and traditional thai dance. 

All in all it was a fun night for all of us. Rylee got to run wild with the other kids, which is always great to watch her have so much fun (and run off some steam before bedtime!). I ran into some old DTS (discipleship training school) friends that I haven't seen in years! And we got to meet some new people and families and swap stories how we all ended up here in Thailand, which was definitely encouraging to hear their side of doing longterm overseas missions with a family.

P.S check out Rylee's adorable Owl + Dot Dot dress that FINALLY fits (I bought it a year ago!).

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  1. Awwe Rylee's dress is adorable! Sounds like you all had a fabulous evening ;)

    xx -b.

    1. I know I can't get over it, and I love that it's sized for 1 to 3 years (with a stretchy neckline it doubles as a cute shirt as she gets bigger!)
