Friday, February 14, 2014

10 Valentines Date Ideas + A Special Offer

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

What's better than a day solely devoted to telling those you love that you really do love them! Sometimes we just don't say it enough or we get to the point in our relationships that you figure they just know, but heck I know I like to hear it every now and again! And let it be known that my husband needs and likes to hear me say it too... mmmhmm thats right ladies, guys are mushy gushy too! So go tell your man you love him... no really go do it... like NOW!

Another great aspect to Valentines Day is you get to spend some quality time with your better half! And I love any reason to go out on a date with my husband. So sticking with the theme of spending time together I've created a little list of fun date ideas for those of you who are stumped or just simply forgot to plan something. And if your single, some of these ideas are good enough to do with your best friend, so whoever you are, whatever your relationship status, get out and have a fun, loved filled day!

10 Date Night Ideas

1. // Couples Massage // This is an amazing time to relax with your special someone! And bonus many spa's offer Valentines specials so you don't have worry about breaking the bank. Groupon and LivingSocial are great sites to get deals too!

2. // Go For Coffee // This is so simple but a great way to reconnect. You can add a little twist by writing out some "get to know you" questions and maybe you'll learn something new about one another. (you can also use this list)

3. // Mini Golfing + Go Karting // Unleash your inner kid and have fun competing against one another. Heck you can even throw in a little wager... loser owes the winner a massage when you get home!

4. // Fancy Night Out // You'll definitely be splurging with this one, but sometimes it's just worth it! Get all dressed up and go out to a fancy restaurant. If your doing this last minute make sure to call ahead to make a reservation, otherwise you might end up all dolled up but eating at your local diner (that could be fun too though).

5. // Reenact Your First Date //  Did you ever think you would end up where you are now? Let those butterflies and sparks fly again as you go back to where it all started.

6. // Go For A Walk // Remember when you used to hold hands, do that again, and then just enjoy one another's company! Don't forget to stop and cuddle up on a bench for a bit and if you want to make it a little more romantic plan to go out around sunset.

7. // Go Out For Dinner // And don't just go anywhere, go somewhere you've never been before! 

8. // Bubble Bath + Gelato + Wine // .... need I say more?

9. // Go For A Drive // Make a playlist of your favourite songs, or songs from your wedding and go for a drive with no place in mind.

10. // Dinner + A Movie // This you can stay in or go out for. And ladies this is your one night you can make your guy watch that chick flick you've been dying to see, take full advantage of it! 

There, some last minute date ideas for Valentines... or any night for that matter! Have a lovely Love Day!!

Oh! and be sure to take advantage of our 25% off Valentines Special for all ad space available on O&M! (special is on now till the end of February)

Check out this months fabulous sponsor:


  1. Hi, the name of your blog caught my eye on the Bloggy Moms Feb Blog hop, and I love your layout too!This list is just hubby and I are doing #10 tomorrow ;) It's a pleasure to meet you! I'll be back :)


  2. I love these ideas! As much as I love love, I kinda dislike the idea of the commercialization of Valentine's Day. These ideas get back to what I feel V-day should be all about, you and your significant other. Thanks for sharing!!

  3. I love, and have done, the idea of getting really dressed up and then just eating somewhere very normal. It's fun, because you get the fun of dressing up without the cost of a fancy dinner!

  4. Hey Jessica, welcome! Hope you and your hubs had a great valentines (what movie did you see?!) thanks for stoppin' by, I'm going to check your blog out right....NOW!

  5. Yes Valentine's can get a bit overboard with commercialism. Forget flowers and chocolates, quality time is a way better gift!

  6. haha nice! I bet you got a lot of looks from the other customers... I think it'd be pretty fun to get back into the old wedding dress and do this, mmm maybe I got myself a new blog post :P
