Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Zachery // Two Months

Believe it or not Zachery is already two months old! Almost two and half months actually, I'm a little behind on his monthly update. 

He's a whopping 12.5 lbs now and my arms are killing me! He's amazingly strong lifting himself up and to date he's already rolled over twice (front to back)! Each day I fall a little more in love with him, he's just the cutest little thing, and his toothless smiles make my heart melt. He smiles the most at his daddy but if I poke his nose I can usually get a grin out of him. 

Rylee has always been in love with him but she amazes me how sweet and gentle she is with him. Some of my favourite moments with her being the best big sister are when they watch movies together, she snuggles in beside him and wraps her arms around him. She also loves to dance with him, but hasn't quite figured out that he actually can't stand or walk his own, but with my assistance these two will hold hands and bust a move! I can't hardly wait till he's more mobile and they can really play together, but in the meantime this is pretty great...

Check out this months fabulous sponsor:

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