Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday's Favourite F Word // Fortunate

Today a Thai woman we regularly visit said to me, "Your family is very lucky", this is something we hear quite regularly and being "Fortunate" is very normal Asian terminology/mindset. For us Westerner's we would easily translate or understand this to be the same as saying "Your family is very blessed", either way, its true!

The fact that we can be here, in Thailand, for 9 months, is true testament that we are blessed beyond measure. By being immersed in another culture we have been given the opportunity of a lifetime! Experiences from living abroad stretch your faith, your comfort zones, and teach you another way of living right down to the way you wash your dishes (yes its true, there are other ways to do things, and yes they work just as well if not better!).

Through this experience we have been blessed and humbled by some truly amazing friends and family who have supported us with their love, kind words and encouragement, finances, and prayer, without these people in our lives we would have either returned early or gone completely bonkers. But I have to say that in our moments of homesickness and loneliness God brought along for us new friends, and our children have been given many honourary aunts, uncles, grandmas, and grandpas!

All these things don't even nick the surface of how this journey has blessed us, but we do know it has changed us, broadened our horizons, and is perpetually guiding us towards what lies ahead for our future as a family.

Join me and my lovely sponsor Lauren, from "The Best F Words" blog, in this Friday Link-up with your posts below about what you have to be Fortunate about

The Best F Words

Check out this months fabulous sponsor:


  1. Your journey to Thailand is SUCH a blessing! I hope that my family can live abroad, even if for just a short while, sometime in our future. I'm so glad that you have such a great support system too - that can make all the difference! So glad to have you joining as a cohost! xox

  2. That is so cool that you are in Thailand! Wow! So glad I found your blog, I shall be stalking it today ;)
