Monday, June 9, 2014

The Working Mama

Well it's back to work for this mamabear, part-time that is! Today was my first day working in two years, it's wierd, it's great, and best of all it's quiet! 

With all the stress of everything going on with my Dad, it's been great to let my brain escape by busying it with something totally unrelated to think about. I'll be working two days a week as a receptionist at a chiropractors office, far from one of those demanding in-your-face, hard-to-please, annoying customer service dead end kind of jobs. Its relaxing and calm and just what I need! 

It's definitely weird being away from the kids, especially after just spending a year crammed into a sardine can with them. I know some moms find it difficult to transition back in to work but not this mom, I don't and won't feel guilty about it! They are in good hands with the best daycare provider available, Daddy, and I'm sure they're having tons of fun doing crazy things and eating things Mommy never lets them have...and they can always come for a visit on my lunch hour.

It's nice to have some time to myself, even if I am "working". Hearing "mom, mom, mommy, MOM!" or Zach's equivilent, "wah wah SCREECH waaaahhhhh!", every three seconds can be a bit draining some days. So don't get me wrong I love my kids, and I love being a stay-at-home mom, but I'm not going to lie... mommy alone time is AMAZING!

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