Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Zachery Turns Five

I've missed a few monthly updates for Mr. Zachery, and low and behold our little man turns five months old this week!

Let me recap the months I missed because they are just as important and when he's this little he seems to be learning and hitting new milestones every week! So lets get to it...

// 3 Months //
I remember this day vividly, it was a stand out kind of day to have your three month birthday on. It was our last day in Chiang Mai, Thailand and we spent most of the day poolside... this is where stand out moment #1 happened. I put Zach down on one of those reclining pool chairs and literally turned for a second to grab the sunscreen out of the bag and "SMACK! .....Waaaaaaahhhhhh", the worst noise a mother can ever hear. Zach rolled.... Zach ROLLED (at 3 months...) off the lounger on to the pool deck. Thank goodness it wasn't high, less than a foot, but it was a hard landing, other than a little scrape on his head our little guy was ok and after some snuggles and "booba" (our family word for nursing) he was right back to his content, smiley self. Stand out moment #2 was that he flew on an airplane for the very first time! We flew from Chiang Mai to Phuket and he was a like a seasoned flyer, we or the other people on the plane didn't  hear one peep out of him the whole flight!

// 4 Months //
Zach weighed in at 6.8 kg (14.9lbs) and spent a majority of his 4th month in the hospital, he wasn't sick, but he stayed with me in Thailand to be with my Dad who had a major accident snorkeling. This was a hard time for our family, we had to split up due to the circumstances, Zach with me and Rylee with Sevio in Canada... talk about long distance relationships! While we were there he became a professional roller, mostly just back to front (this kid loves his tummy time), he learned how to use a soother, and began sitting up on his own. He also met his Grandma (my mom) for the first time ever and got a whole month to bond with her and her alone. It was during this time we learned how great of a joy he is and that his presence through such a difficult time was a true blessing.

// 5 Months //
Our world traveler cleared Canadian immigration and got to reunite with his Daddy and sister on May 19th. Since then he's met just about all of his immediate and some distant family. He survived a road trip over the beautiful Rockies, as we had a conference to attend in Calgary. He's started on "real" food, if thats what you wanna call that lovely mushy rice cereal, and judging by his love for it I think we got ourselves another food lover! He's now 15.8lbs, and just last week he had to get 3 shots to catch up on some of his vaccinations... poor kid wasn't too keen on that. Over this past month we have watched him get stronger and stronger and he is now spinning himself in circles when we put him down, and in the last couple days he's been getting up on his knees and doing the butt wiggle... won't be long now till he'll be on all fours chasing after Rylee! We've also discovered that he loves to be scared...so we've taught Rylee how to do Peek-A-Boo and say Boo and he just erupts into a fit of giggles...honestly the cutest thing ever!

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