Summer In A Nutshell

Monday, August 18, 2014

I'm just going to go right out and say it, this summer has been gong show!

I think we have done every major event possible (some a few times over) in the period of 3 months... a funeral, bridal showers, baby shower (and soon the birth of our lil' niece), 2 weddings (and one more to go, Sevio's birthday, our anniversary, my 10 year reunion, we moved, and last but not least, Sevio started a pre-course today as part of his fourth year studies.

So like I said... life has been crazy and as I'm surrounded by moving boxes I feel like its the first time in the last couple months where I actually feel relaxed. Finally we're in our a place of our own, and a place that has room enough for all of us (a rarity in the 4 years we've been together)! Even though this year will be just as crazy with Sevio in full time studies, two kids, and me hopefully with a part-time job  I'm actually really looking forward to being in one place for at least a year.... ahhh stability!

I'm excited that I am going to have time to blog again, and catch up on all the pictures from the past months sitting in Iphoto that I just haven't had the chance to post!  So to start off here's a few pictures from a few weeks ago when Rylee's cousin came to visit and we spent the day in town at the park, playing on firetrucks, and of course...ICE CREAM!!!

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